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1882 Organic Coffee in Saccaria Beans: A Unique Aromatic Experience

Description and Net Weight:
Caffè 1882 Organic Coffee Beans from Saccaria, with a net weight of 1 kg, is a fine choice for coffee lovers. With a composition of 70% Arabica coffee beans, this organic coffee offers a rich sensory experience and superior quality.

Composition and Origin:
The careful selection of Arabica beans, known for their delicate taste and aromatic notes, combines with the robustness of Robusta coffee beans to create a balanced blend full of flavour. Organic cultivation ensures that each bean is produced with respect for the environment and sustainability.

Aroma and Quality:
The 1882 Organic Coffee Beans from Saccaria stands out for its intense aroma and balanced taste, with a light acidity typical of Arabica beans. Artisanal roasting enhances the organoleptic qualities of the coffee, offering a cup rich in taste and aromas.

Preparation and Use:
Ideal for any type of preparation, from the classic Italian espresso to filtered coffee variations, this coffee beans is perfect for those who want to grind their own coffee at home, ensuring freshness and an optimal tasting experience.

Commitment to Sustainability:
By choosing Caffè 1882 Biologico di Saccaria, you support a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach, while ensuring exceptional quality and unparalleled taste.