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Mezzi Rigatoni La Molisana: Innovation and Tradition in Cuisine

Mezzi Rigatoni La Molisana are a perfect example of the balance between innovation and tradition. After the acquisition by the Ferro Group, the La Molisana factory underwent a complete renovation, with investments exceeding 60 million euros in 10 years. This allowed a radical adaptation of the production lines, raising the quality of over 100 bronze-drawn pasta shapes.

Quality and Production Process:
The secret of Mezzi Rigatoni La Molisana lies in the control of the entire production chain, ensuring the highest quality of the final product. The renovation includes not only the production aspects but also the packaging, reflecting an "open-door factory" philosophy and promising excellent pasta, made with fine raw materials and processed in the group's mill.

Features and Pairings:
Mezzi Rigatoni 32, with their larger diameter than penne and characterized by the classic stripes, are ideal for pairing with simple, seasonal ingredients, such as borlotti beans and porcini mushrooms. This format, reliable in cooking and transformation processes, offers an unmistakable taste that enhances every recipe.

Innovation and Commitment:
Molisana does not limit itself to the production of quality pasta, but is committed to a continuous process of innovation and renewal, guaranteeing products that meet the needs of a modern and aware consumer.